About me
December 23, 2010
Good day
Hi everyone! My friend Elin was finally able to fly back to Sweden last night, she's been stuck in London for 4 days waiting for a flight so she could make it home for Xmas.
Were flying out to Manchester tomorrow morning which I am looking forward to because we haven't had Xmas in England for 4 years and because it's the first time victors ever been to England! Should be great fun.
I watched the lunar eclipse on the winter solstice a couple of days ago, not very aventfull, but it was cloudy out..
Anyways I'll upload some pics of the nice weather here :)
Were flying out to Manchester tomorrow morning which I am looking forward to because we haven't had Xmas in England for 4 years and because it's the first time victors ever been to England! Should be great fun.
I watched the lunar eclipse on the winter solstice a couple of days ago, not very aventfull, but it was cloudy out..
Anyways I'll upload some pics of the nice weather here :)
December 13, 2010
Just ate tacos with some friends from school. Drinking some Swedish mulled wine and watching some film called yrroll which isn't very good :P
December 11, 2010
December 5, 2010
I've only been back in Linköping an hour and the snow here is already annoying me. Well not the snow but the way the city of linköping handles it: Plough the snow of the roads onto the pavement, which under normal circumstances would be manageable, but since i had a suitcase and two other bags I found it a bit difficult to trudge through the stupid snow!!

Well now thats of my chest I can talk about something else :) The X Factor!!

I really hope either Matt Cardle or Rebecca Fergusson wins!
This is what happens when you're gone for 7 weeks :P
December 4, 2010
Walking in a winter wonderland!
Hi everyone!
It's chilly here in Sweden. Although it's only -4.5 today it was a lot colder last week. The lake in ulricehamn has already frozen and the ski slope is open this weekend, looks like it's going to be a good season for them :)
Last night victor, some friends and I went bowling. I'm sorry to say I didn't win, but at least I wasn't the worst bowler ;) We played pool as well, fortunatly for me I'm not as poor a pool player as I am a bowler. So the teams I was in won! :D
Olivia's moving up north next week, so she's having a sort of leaving party tonight. Hopefully it'll be fun :) though not looking forward to trudging through the antarctic world out there!
I'm leaving for Linköping tomorrow, got another 2 weeks of school left, then it's the christmas holiday and ENGLAND!
November 24, 2010
November 15, 2010
November 10, 2010
Swedens own KFC? It wasnt open, otherwise I would have tried some :P I think the N must stand for Northern or Nordic.
November 5, 2010
Football fun!

Pernilla asked if Ulricehamns Newspaper could do an article on me, I've uploaded the pics from the website above and the article below.
21-year-old Krista Chittem has always dreamed of becoming a physiotherapist.
Now she practices with Jan Andblad, the man who takes care of Elfsborg players
It wasn’t certain that Krista Chittem would choose a career as a fitness
therapist when she graduated from high school. It was between that and music.
“ But now I feel that I have made the right choice and enjoy doing what I do. I
can have music as a hobby”.she says when she is about to massage one of
Elfsborg players.
After three years in the Arts program at Tingsholm, she looked into becoming a
physiotherapist or a healthcare therapist. It was difficult to get into the
physiotherapist education at university, she was the 20th reserve but had been
accepted to the massage and healthcare education in Linköping.
- I may become a physiotherapist later in life, but not right now.
The program includes work experience. Krista wanted something near home and
because she thinks that sports injuries are interesting she visited Elfsborgs
website, where she came into contact with the team's physiotherapist, who
eventually let Krista come and do her work experience with him.
“ It's great, everyone is so nice, but I haven’t learned all the players names
yet. I’m not so interested in football, but my boyfriend is an Elfsborg
supporter and because it is the nearest team to where I live, I can say that I
am a supporter aswell”.
Jan Andblad, Elfsborgs physiotherapist:
“ We usually try to take on trainees who we think will fit in. It is
appreciated by the players when they get to meet new people with new ideas”.
In May next year Krista becomes a qualified masseuse and healthcare therapist,
after studying for two years. First, she’ll travel around the world with a
friend and when she comes home, she hopes to start her own business.
Link to the article:
http://www.ut.se/slakt_och_vanner/krista -har-elfsborg-i-sina-hander%282168793%29 .gm#articleimage-popup
October 24, 2010
Second week
Second week of work experience starts today! They didn't win yesterday though, so probably not in a good mood. 4-4 in the last 30 sec has got to be a bummer. I just downloaded this new app, so hopefully I'll be able to upload photos.
It's freezzzzzzzzing here today! An the roads are really icy, hopefully the bus won't be too late....
It's freezzzzzzzzing here today! An the roads are really icy, hopefully the bus won't be too late....
October 19, 2010
First day with elfsborg :) Pretty unaventfull but it was fun to meet the guys.
Looking forward to the next 6 weeks :)

October 8, 2010
September 25, 2010
I stumbled across this great training method that reall inspired me. I think i'm gonna try it out tomorrow :)
It's called MovNat short for natural movements. Founded by a man called Erwan Le corré from canada. Basically it's about getting in touch with our true natures. What we were created for, like running, climbing, throwing, catching etc. Here's one of his videos on youtube.
I'll let you know how it went tomorrow :)
September 23, 2010
September 22, 2010
Exercise is important, and because I've had a cold for nearly two weeks I gabby been able to get any exercise :(
But today I went for a walk, took about an hour :) Emelie doesn't like getting up early in the morning (like me) so I decided to get out so I don't disturb her precious sleep ;) right, I'm gonna have a shower now, then breakfast! Oh yeah, and then study... Maybe... :P
But today I went for a walk, took about an hour :) Emelie doesn't like getting up early in the morning (like me) so I decided to get out so I don't disturb her precious sleep ;) right, I'm gonna have a shower now, then breakfast! Oh yeah, and then study... Maybe... :P
September 19, 2010
Hello loyal readers!
Not that I think I have any, there's never anything new to read on here. I seem to only post every other week. And i'm not going to promise that i'll update my blog more often because I don't think I will. :P
I'm at the library at the mo. Studying. It's quite interesting, reading about sports injuries where peoples glasses become part och their facial features and sinews pulling parts of bone with them when ruptured.
well more studying to be done!
September 8, 2010
August 29, 2010
Autumn is here! I felt it today when I went on my run (3.1miles!). The air felt chilly even though it was 18 degrees and the leaves are just changing colour. Which reminds me! I saw the cutest pair of squirrels today, chasing each other up and down a redwood, they were red, are they the nice ones or the evil ones? I can never remember :P
It took me 30mins to get around the 5k track, which I thought was pretty good, since it took 45min last time I attempted it. Maybe the three boys who were behind me the whole way helped me keep my pace :P
I just finished the 4th vampire diaries book. It was ok, but they're really confusing. The main character got murdered but became a vampire in the process. Then she died trying to save her village, then after 6 months she reincarnated as a normal human again. Wierd, but what can you expect from paranormal novels about vampires and other supernatural beings :P
I've got to go now, foods nearly ready. Don't want the potatoes to be cooked down to mush!
It took me 30mins to get around the 5k track, which I thought was pretty good, since it took 45min last time I attempted it. Maybe the three boys who were behind me the whole way helped me keep my pace :P
I just finished the 4th vampire diaries book. It was ok, but they're really confusing. The main character got murdered but became a vampire in the process. Then she died trying to save her village, then after 6 months she reincarnated as a normal human again. Wierd, but what can you expect from paranormal novels about vampires and other supernatural beings :P
I've got to go now, foods nearly ready. Don't want the potatoes to be cooked down to mush!
August 20, 2010
Friday night already
This week has gone by sooo fast, can't belive it's friday already.
Going back home tomorrow, so i guess it'll be a week of massaging,
studying and exercising.
A girl got stabbed her today around noon, can't belive that sort of thing
is happening in broad daylight now. The girls ok, and they got the guy, so
I don't have to worry about him.
Sounds like someone's having a party in the building next to ours :P
I'm just sitting by myself, think i'm gonna watch the new karate kid
film, then i'm off to bed. Bus leaves round 9ish tomorrow morning.
August 15, 2010
Back on The wagon
I'll admit, I have been a bit sloppy with jogging and working out while I've been at home. But that changes today! If I'm going to be massaging footballers I'll need a bit of muscle!
Just been on a 2.5k jog which took about 20mins so my goal by the end if this month is to get it down to 15mins :)
Emelies coming at 6pm and Hannah at 8pm. So not sure what I'm going to be doing later.
Just been on a 2.5k jog which took about 20mins so my goal by the end if this month is to get it down to 15mins :)
Emelies coming at 6pm and Hannah at 8pm. So not sure what I'm going to be doing later.
August 14, 2010
Bus ride
On my way back to Linköping. Summer holidays over already!! :(
But I am looking forward to starting school again. I've missed it, and my class mates.
Hopefully I'll be able to finish this post before my laptops battery runs out. There is a plug socket but it says 230 V on it so i'm not sure if it's wise to plug my laptop into it?
Taking care of old people was just as giving as most people say. You don't think it will be when you start, but they really do apreciate the help. I think i'll apply for a summer job there next year as well. But you never know if they'll all still be there...
Got some projects to finish next time i'm home. I've started fixing up the little 1x1,5m "cubby hole" in my room. It's just going to be a tiny computer room with some bookshelves. But it's looking a lot better than it did :)
Deathe cab for cutie - I will follow you into the dark
August 3, 2010
I had a great weekend with victor. We went up to my flat in Linköping. Horrible weather up but lovely weather on Saturday :) we went to Skara Sunday to eat dinner at Victors cousins new farmhouse which was about 200years old Then elfsborg beat geffle 1-0. I worked yesterday afternoon/night and left for varberg this morning which is where I am at the moment. Just getting back from town and a delicious ice-cream ;D
Went swimming in the sea today, freeezing!!
Went swimming in the sea today, freeezing!!
July 29, 2010
Haven't written down the other stuff on the computer yet, but i'm uploading the stuff we did day 2-3 :P
Saturday July 3rdDay 2
First morning and also first breakfast. We didn’t quite know what to expect and we didn’t get what we expected.One cake/Croissant/Bun/ You get the picture.Aaaaand….A drink, Coffee/Juice/TeaWe we’re like, where’s the rest? Breakfast service included. Where’s the breakfast?? This is like a coffee break. At least my Cappuccino was nice.
Since you can’t drink the tap water we had to find a supermarket to buy some bottled water and some fruit. We eventually found a supermarket, but no fruit there, only “fizzy bottled lemon water”. As it turned out, finding somewhere to buy fruit isn’t as easy as you’d think. There weren’t a lot of people who understood English, or if they knew some English it was very basic. So I got Linda to talk to the Italians ‘cause most of the time they didn’t understand what I was saying anyway. I think we must have asked at least 3 people including a policeman, but we finally found a little fruit shop with some delicious nectarines. Everything we needed in hand, we made our way back to the B&B to get ready for the beach! Imagine our surprise when our water turned out to be lemonade!! Linda wasn’t too happy, she’s all about healthy eating. But I didn’t mind.
The weather was gorgeous all day, so much sunbathing was accomplished. Lovely! Linda wanted me to sunbathe topless with her, but I was skeptical because as soon as she took her bikini top off, loads of men kept looking our way -.- Gross! We left the beach around 4ish to change and hang up our wet stuff.
While we were eating at the restaurant yesterday we saw a sign for cone pizzas. Some weird “On the go” invention we thought we’d try. They were ok, cold in the middle though.. And screamed of processed food :P
After a short walk we had some really really nice ice-cream (CHOCOLATE!)
Sunday July 4thDay 3
Breakfast: Greasy toasted sandwich + CappuccinoEzio our innkeeper told us about an old village on top of a nearby mountain, that’s nice to visit. He gave us a lift to the cable car station, which was nice of him cause it would have taken an hour to walk :P It cost €6 return so not too bad. The village was very nice and serene. There were two towers and a castle right at the very top and on the edge of a cliff. On the way back down two men asked us to take their picture. We obliged and then they took a picture for us. They also asked if we’d like to join them for dinner which we politely declined ;) We took the cable car back down and started to walk back to the B&B. Thankfully Ezio picked us up half way back. Linda’s thighs were chafing in the heat! (I was smart, I wore shorts!) Ezio tipped us about a different beach, so we tried it out. It was very nice, and the water was a lot clearer, more fish and nicer sand. Linda was still going topless so I thought “It won’t hurt, might be nice to get rid of my tan lines”. Nobody seemed to take any offence so all good. Since we hadn’t eaten any meat since we’d arrived, Linda really wanted some. We found a cool/retro/trendy/café/restraint/bar/bookshop that served meat at not too high a price (we thought). I ordered chicken but got fish, didn’t realize until I’d bitten into it. I just thought whatever, I’ve already started. All in all overpriced for the quality and quantity. Music was good though, pop, punk and rock songs converted to jazz :D
Saturday July 3rdDay 2
First morning and also first breakfast. We didn’t quite know what to expect and we didn’t get what we expected.One cake/Croissant/Bun/ You get the picture.Aaaaand….A drink, Coffee/Juice/TeaWe we’re like, where’s the rest? Breakfast service included. Where’s the breakfast?? This is like a coffee break. At least my Cappuccino was nice.
Since you can’t drink the tap water we had to find a supermarket to buy some bottled water and some fruit. We eventually found a supermarket, but no fruit there, only “fizzy bottled lemon water”. As it turned out, finding somewhere to buy fruit isn’t as easy as you’d think. There weren’t a lot of people who understood English, or if they knew some English it was very basic. So I got Linda to talk to the Italians ‘cause most of the time they didn’t understand what I was saying anyway. I think we must have asked at least 3 people including a policeman, but we finally found a little fruit shop with some delicious nectarines. Everything we needed in hand, we made our way back to the B&B to get ready for the beach! Imagine our surprise when our water turned out to be lemonade!! Linda wasn’t too happy, she’s all about healthy eating. But I didn’t mind.
The weather was gorgeous all day, so much sunbathing was accomplished. Lovely! Linda wanted me to sunbathe topless with her, but I was skeptical because as soon as she took her bikini top off, loads of men kept looking our way -.- Gross! We left the beach around 4ish to change and hang up our wet stuff.
While we were eating at the restaurant yesterday we saw a sign for cone pizzas. Some weird “On the go” invention we thought we’d try. They were ok, cold in the middle though.. And screamed of processed food :P
After a short walk we had some really really nice ice-cream (CHOCOLATE!)
Sunday July 4thDay 3
Breakfast: Greasy toasted sandwich + CappuccinoEzio our innkeeper told us about an old village on top of a nearby mountain, that’s nice to visit. He gave us a lift to the cable car station, which was nice of him cause it would have taken an hour to walk :P It cost €6 return so not too bad. The village was very nice and serene. There were two towers and a castle right at the very top and on the edge of a cliff. On the way back down two men asked us to take their picture. We obliged and then they took a picture for us. They also asked if we’d like to join them for dinner which we politely declined ;) We took the cable car back down and started to walk back to the B&B. Thankfully Ezio picked us up half way back. Linda’s thighs were chafing in the heat! (I was smart, I wore shorts!) Ezio tipped us about a different beach, so we tried it out. It was very nice, and the water was a lot clearer, more fish and nicer sand. Linda was still going topless so I thought “It won’t hurt, might be nice to get rid of my tan lines”. Nobody seemed to take any offence so all good. Since we hadn’t eaten any meat since we’d arrived, Linda really wanted some. We found a cool/retro/trendy/café/restraint/bar/bookshop that served meat at not too high a price (we thought). I ordered chicken but got fish, didn’t realize until I’d bitten into it. I just thought whatever, I’ve already started. All in all overpriced for the quality and quantity. Music was good though, pop, punk and rock songs converted to jazz :D
July 28, 2010
I've been working my butt off haha :P haven't had time to write, but I've written down some if the things we did in Sicily in word so I'll upload the first couple of days tonight. And maybe upload some pics.
Josh started work yesterday which he thought went well. He said the time web quite slowly though because most of the oldies can't talk or walk.
Tomorrow victor and I are going to Linköping to stay in my flat until Sunday morning. Then were going to visit his cousin in Skövde. :)
Josh started work yesterday which he thought went well. He said the time web quite slowly though because most of the oldies can't talk or walk.
Tomorrow victor and I are going to Linköping to stay in my flat until Sunday morning. Then were going to visit his cousin in Skövde. :)
July 10, 2010
Holiday in Trapani
Just got back this morning. The trip was great and the diving fun :) I jotted down everything we did in my note book. So I'm going to post what we did and some pics later :D
June 22, 2010
Second day of work
Nearly finished, well I still have a few hours left. Finish at 16 :P
Today I got to work independantly a bit and then I got to drive the car around looking for one of the other summer workers who'd forgotten her work phone.
At 14 the nurse us going to give me permission to give out medicine. :)
Today I got to work independantly a bit and then I got to drive the car around looking for one of the other summer workers who'd forgotten her work phone.
At 14 the nurse us going to give me permission to give out medicine. :)
June 21, 2010
Summer job
Today was my first day working at the old peoples home. My job is to drive to peoples houses and help them with their daily needs, I think it's called solrosens home-help service or something like that :)
I enjoyed it, it's alot better than smelling like hamburgers and chip oil :P
Can't wait till wednesday when the English come over ;) I love having lots of people around :)
Well I'm gonna watch true blood now, :D Futurama's out in 4 days!!!!
June 16, 2010
New blog design
Hi everyone, haven't had much to write about here.
Weather has been naff but i've still tried to get some gardening done, veggies are coming up nice!
Can't wait to sink my teeth into them ;)
I took mum out nordic walking this morning (Like powerwalking but you use "walking poles"). Then I had her use my exercise ball, she'll be fit in no time! :P
Other than that i'm not up to much today, I'm going to try and call my hairdresser about getting my hair trimmed and maybe getting some lowlights, should be good :)
A.Eve and co. are coming next week so i'm looking forward to that, I also start work next week so i'll have someting to do :) I might go to the library today to get a book on amigurumi. It's the japanese art or crocheting small stuffed animals. They're really cute!
I think i'll upload some pics of the garden, and dads handy work in teh next post :)
Weather has been naff but i've still tried to get some gardening done, veggies are coming up nice!
Can't wait to sink my teeth into them ;)
I took mum out nordic walking this morning (Like powerwalking but you use "walking poles"). Then I had her use my exercise ball, she'll be fit in no time! :P
Other than that i'm not up to much today, I'm going to try and call my hairdresser about getting my hair trimmed and maybe getting some lowlights, should be good :)
A.Eve and co. are coming next week so i'm looking forward to that, I also start work next week so i'll have someting to do :) I might go to the library today to get a book on amigurumi. It's the japanese art or crocheting small stuffed animals. They're really cute!
I think i'll upload some pics of the garden, and dads handy work in teh next post :)
June 8, 2010
Bree tanner

Just finished "The short second life of Bree Tanner". It was really good, like all of Stephenie Meyers books :) Wish it didn't end how it did though, although if you've read Eclipse you know the ending anyway :P
So I've officialy finished school for the summer hols and haven't really done much. Sunday was Swedens national day, so we dressed up in the national dress and sang. When I say we I mean the choir i'm in :P Tomorrow i'm going diving with Linda in the lake by Jönköping, same lake I scuba dived in in Jan, but hopefully a bit warmer! :P
I'm going into town in about an hour to sing with the little kids, it's their "summer concert". Should be fun, they're all so cute! :D
June 1, 2010
Pics from the ball and studenten!
I'm back at school this week, finished my water gymnastics course and just started a new course called "Driva Eget" which is all about running your own buisness. It's fun but alot to take in. I think i'll start by own buisness this year though :)
Tomorrow we have a lecture on what foods to eat then we're starting another short 2 day course on Nordic Walking. Which is just like power walking except you use ski-poles, so ski walking :P
Cougar town is about to start so i'll post something tomorrow!
May 31, 2010
It's 1:26 in the morning and I just arrived in linkoping. Inger was kind enough to give me a lift/I drove half of the way here and she slept :P and just as we swapped over and left jonkoping I got pulled over and had to blow in the alcometer for the first time! I had nothing to worry about of course, but it was still a bit nerv racking!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
It's 1:26 in the morning and I just arrived in linkoping. Inger was kind enough to give me a lift/I drove half of the way here and she slept :P and just as we swapped over and left jonkoping I got pulled over and had to blow in the alcometer for the first time! I had nothing to worry about of course, but it was still a bit nerv racking!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
May 25, 2010
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