September 21, 2011


All this planning takes forever!

But we're finally nearing the end and also the begining! The only things left to book now are a flight to Ayers Rock and the tour while we're there :)

Only 4 weeks left now, and I have an adress for the blog we'll be using on our travels!

Also bought a new compact camera, so I'll be able to upload pics along the way!


September 18, 2011

Party Time!

Just some pics from Arne's birthday party last night! :D

September 13, 2011


I'm finally finished with my jacket, so I thought I'd share the final result, which I am pretty proud of :) I also made macaroons for the first time, so I'm posting a picture of those pretty pink confectioneries.

Sorry I havn't posted for a month, been busy planning for the big trip, and also working like a donkey to save up some more cash :P I will definately try to update my blog again, and see if I can get a travel blog sorted out. Deciding what to pack is no piece of cake, although it's alot of fun :) So If I get the other blog up and running I'll be able to post some pics there of what I'll be taking with me!

For those who do not know, Victor and I are moving in together! Yay! A bit short notice just before I'm leaving but a friend of ours will be staying there while I'm gone. Anyways, I'm excited about moving out, I just wish I had a bit more time before the departure date...
