It's 1:26 in the morning and I just arrived in linkoping. Inger was kind enough to give me a lift/I drove half of the way here and she slept :P and just as we swapped over and left jonkoping I got pulled over and had to blow in the alcometer for the first time! I had nothing to worry about of course, but it was still a bit nerv racking!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!

About me
May 31, 2010
It's 1:26 in the morning and I just arrived in linkoping. Inger was kind enough to give me a lift/I drove half of the way here and she slept :P and just as we swapped over and left jonkoping I got pulled over and had to blow in the alcometer for the first time! I had nothing to worry about of course, but it was still a bit nerv racking!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
Just gonna burn off a cd then it's bed time for me. Got school in 8 and a half hours, so not too bad!
May 25, 2010
Trying to get my homework done, but my brain won't work properly.
We have to create a watergymnastics programme and present two songs.
Not really worried about it, but it takes a while. We have to choose 14 songs accompanied
with different exercises.
So thats pretty much what I've been doing today. This morning I played guitar and sang
summer songs with the children from mum's work. They're so cute!!
Then I went into town and got mum's mothersday present (Swedish mothers day). I'm not gonna tell you what Josh and I got cause mum might read this :P
I got my jacket back off nan yesterday. I'm going to upload all the pics in a new post.
So all thats left to do is topstitch round the collar and bodice, then sew on the buttons (That I haven't bought yet ;P )
Mum and I have planted all the veggies in the garden, so hopefully the deer won't eat the beans, the cats won't poop in the beds and the flies won't eat the carrots :P
The uppstairs bathroom is non existent at the moment, so we have to shower in the cellar.
Even though the walls in the bathroom up here looked a bit manky, the wooden boards look alright underneath :)
Tomorrow's the Ball so I'll take some lovely pics of stars to upload here :D
We have to create a watergymnastics programme and present two songs.
Not really worried about it, but it takes a while. We have to choose 14 songs accompanied
with different exercises.
So thats pretty much what I've been doing today. This morning I played guitar and sang
summer songs with the children from mum's work. They're so cute!!
Then I went into town and got mum's mothersday present (Swedish mothers day). I'm not gonna tell you what Josh and I got cause mum might read this :P
I got my jacket back off nan yesterday. I'm going to upload all the pics in a new post.
So all thats left to do is topstitch round the collar and bodice, then sew on the buttons (That I haven't bought yet ;P )
Mum and I have planted all the veggies in the garden, so hopefully the deer won't eat the beans, the cats won't poop in the beds and the flies won't eat the carrots :P
The uppstairs bathroom is non existent at the moment, so we have to shower in the cellar.
Even though the walls in the bathroom up here looked a bit manky, the wooden boards look alright underneath :)
Tomorrow's the Ball so I'll take some lovely pics of stars to upload here :D
May 19, 2010
"Never say never"
Some pics of the jacket and a hedgehog that was in our garden.
Awsome song by The Fray - Never say never :)
Yesterday Nan and I worked on the jacket all day, so we got quite far, nearly all of the top half is done, just need to sew the lining in the arms.
The weather today was wonderful, on the way to school with mum and nan it was overcast but just the right temperature and no wind. The kids were great today, I still have a sore throat but I managed to sing along with them as well.
Victor and I went to Borås around 12ish, had a look around and bought a graduation present for Linus (One of victors best friends, my nexy door neighbor). By the time we got back, mum had finished work, so I got a lift home, and haven't really done much at home. Im goign to finish an essay tomorrow and go for a run, then nans coming round to help with the coat, and finally i'm off to nemo's (Johan) for coffee and cake, it's his birthday tomorrow :)
G'd night all!
May 17, 2010
May 16, 2010
16 may
Hi all!
Just got back from Olivias new place, very nice :) We had tea and watched a film,
can't remember what it was called, but it was funny :P
Came back home just before nans birthday, which was pleasnt. Cake, music, friends
and family :) Pretty flowers and presents :)
I don't have any recolection of what I did last week, I know I went to Borås friday
with mum, nan, morfar, chey and a.lyz. Got Some fabrics so nan and I can start sewing
a jacket I got the patern for like 1-2 years ago :P We're going to start tomorrow, so I'll
take some pictures and let you know how it goes.
Yesterday and today we worked in the garden, I do have pics of what we've done but
they're on josh's camera and it's 22:49 here :P
Now i'm watching an episode of How I met your mother , which is AWSOME :)
Night all!
Just got back from Olivias new place, very nice :) We had tea and watched a film,
can't remember what it was called, but it was funny :P
Came back home just before nans birthday, which was pleasnt. Cake, music, friends
and family :) Pretty flowers and presents :)
I don't have any recolection of what I did last week, I know I went to Borås friday
with mum, nan, morfar, chey and a.lyz. Got Some fabrics so nan and I can start sewing
a jacket I got the patern for like 1-2 years ago :P We're going to start tomorrow, so I'll
take some pictures and let you know how it goes.
Yesterday and today we worked in the garden, I do have pics of what we've done but
they're on josh's camera and it's 22:49 here :P
Now i'm watching an episode of How I met your mother , which is AWSOME :)
Night all!
May 3, 2010
Sooo tired
Today was the first day of school after a week of home studies, so i'm pretty tired.
And as usual our teachers think its a good idea to have tests on mondays, so I had 2
tests today. One written and one practical, the written one went well. But I thought
tests today. One written and one practical, the written one went well. But I thought
I was going to fail the other one. My mind went totally blank, but I passed anyway :D
As a celebration gift to myself I bought a pair of training gloves so I don't get blisters
As a celebration gift to myself I bought a pair of training gloves so I don't get blisters
while using weights :) Here's a pic
Here are some pics from the greek restraunt as well, yummy! Thanks mum and dad :D
Just have to finish some work for school tomorrow, watergymnastics first thing. Then Emelie
and I are gonna watch cougar town accompanied by a bowl of ice-cream each :P
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