The diving trip got cancelled :(
I’m going to sleep now.
Just started researching osteoarthritis. Have to hand in a paper about the disease after xmas. *sigh*
I have to write 2 A4 pages about it, in our folder we have ½A4 page about it. Here’s my mindmap about it so far.
Why I’m writing this? I’m stalling because I don’t really want to write it :P
Yes I know it’s 13:30, but for me it’s morning cos i’m still in bed :P Ebba didn’t come home til 7ish this morning so I don’t want to wake her :P
Yesterday was fun! Getting used to being underwater was a bit wierd, and sort of cold! I didn’t ace all the manouvers, but I think I did a pretty good job anyway. The things I weren’t very good at were, orally filling my vest while sinking and breathing with the mouthpiece by my mouth with the airflow on full. Think I’ll have to change my flippers, they were a bit tight. All in all it was fun, but I think it will be more fun outdoors :P
Now i’m off to buyi my brother a b-day present!
Morning all, I am soooo tired. Didn’t sleep very well last night at all.
Yesterday I had my first diving theory lesson. I thought it was alot of fun :) We went through the basics of underwater pressure and how it affects our air supply etc. Then we got to connect our air flask with the breathing system and our diving vests, and helped each other put them on. Heavy!! There’s 3 other people doing the course. All guys,1 so I felt abit weak, but I could lift the stuff at least!
After school today I think some of us are going out to eat or have a coffee or something. Should be nice :) Our pool lesson today has been canceled which is pretty nice, Because he said that when we have our first pool lesson we’ll be there until 22:30. First pool lesson is Friday, which is good because I don’t have school the next day!
Listening to Yiruma at the moment. He’s brilliant, you should check him out! That is, if you like pretty, instrumental music :)